90/365: Hanging in There

Just like the ranunculus (well, most of them) we are hanging in there. Poor Grayden is suffering with a pretty high fever and the rest of us- while we aren't sick- are kind of cranky as well. If it wasn't such a gorgeous day we'd be in trouble :)

We're about out of baby tylenol and motrin so we're going to have to make a super quick run to Target when the boys get up from nap. Yes... I'm going to be that Mom. The one who takes her sick kid out in public. In my defense, he isn't coughing.

And... I promise not to put him in a cart, so he won't spread slobber germs!

89/365: Jump Around

Stuck at home with a feverish, fussy, clingy little guy. We did get out of the house for a walk and I asked Isaac to jump while showing me "star hands." Does anyone else know that term from gymnastics class? Isaac has benefited so much from going to gymnastics... I highly recommend it for any kiddo!

88/365: Hopeful During Breakfast


Don't need to explain this one, really.

Another one for the grandparents out there. I was recently informed that Macro Monday is my Mom's least favorite day because it doesn't include any pictures of the kiddos...

Poor little guy was being fussy at the park. When we got home I realized that he was feeling a little warm. Temp of 100.3. Boo. Hopefully we'll make it through the illness quickly!

87/365: Macro Monday


Ranunculus has been added to my list of favorite flowers. Love them!

PS- I wasn't really that sad yesterday... just needed a good excuse for posting another moody self-portrait :)

86/365: Sunday Self-Portrait


Contemplating how to get the camera to grab focus. I was having an uncooperative gear day.

85/365: Um... I didn't take a picture!


After we left the movie theatre and were walking into the restaurant for dinner (yay date night!) I realized I hadn't even picked up my camera today. Cell phone to the rescue. What a beautiful sunset we had. Plus... forecasted temps of mid to upper 70s next week.

Woo. Hoo!!!

84/365: Walking


There's no more denying it... he's a walker. Pretty proud of himself too :)

I love watching a little one who is learning to walk!

83/365: Rain. and wind.


Not a very inspired shot, but it's not exactly an inspiring type of day. Yes, our patio furniture is working its way across the lawn. The small basketball hoop has been repositioned as well and while waiting in the cell phone lot at the airport I seriously thought the van was going to be lifted off the ground.
What happened to Spring?

82/365: Cake


I spent the day working on a scavenger hunt for ClickinMoms. Doing so required me to buy a slice of cake.

Twist my arm.

81/365: Chuck E Cheese


It was a milestone- our first family trip to Chuck E Cheese. I still have the touch for skee-ball and the games all still felt as grimy as I remembered. Isaac loved it, though :)

80/365: Macro Monday


This is the grill on our air conditioner unit :) I just realized I forgot to explain last week's image... it was the suction cup we use to hang a hummingbird feeder on our breakfast area window.

And... a PSA. It really is Mod Podge! All of the comments calling it "ModGE Podge" made me doubt myself so off to trusty google I went. From the company site itself: Mod Podge :) I think it's kind of like brussels sprouts. Everyone is just so used to saying brussel sprouts without the extra "s."

If you wanted to do the clothespin project it is super simple. Cut out pieces of paper the exact size of the clothespin face. Slap some Mod Podge on the clothespin, top with paper piece, then add another coat of Mod Podge. Allow to dry and then you can add a little decorative do-dad (like the buttons that are sitting on my counter...) with a dot of hot glue if you wanted to dress them up a bit.

79/365: Mod Podge


At MOPS this past week we had craft day and used Mod Podge to decorate clothes pins. We were advised to use them as a means to hang greeting cards up on a ribbon, or in some other decorative manner... but I think these lovelies will be doing kitchen duty. My new kitchen towels are mainly blue (gasp!) so they fit right in and I'm sure the chips bags and bagel sleeves will appreciate the touch of whimsy.

78/365: I DO Smile!


I received a question recently in my Ask Me section about the lack of smiling self portraits on this blog.

Let me tell you.... it is awkward to take smiling self portraits. Laughing is even worse. I sit there thinking "hmm... what can I laugh about?" Then I look at my camera staring back at me... it's not very funny. Its sense of humor is a bit lacking...

It has been on my list of goals to capture a genuine laughing (but still semi-attractive- it has proven to be a little tricky) self portrait. I'll keep trying.

If I grab a kiddo to tickle that would probably help.

77/365: Editing


Why do I procrastinate? Whenever I do a session for a friend I'm super excited to get home and load the images up on my computer. Then I sort through them and do an initial cull and edit one or two to email out that day. After that I tend to wait more days than I had planned to edit the rest of the session. I think perhaps it relates to my perfectionism....

I had a deadline today because little guy's shower was this evening and I needed to have the disk of images ready to present to his Mama. What a sweet-pea he is!

76/365: Things I Love Thursday


Love, love, love some white flowers. These are freesias and smell so good. Very short-lived though. This bouquet isn't going to break any longevity records!

75/365: Soft


Poor little guy had taken a long time to fall asleep and had only been snoozing for 20 minutes when I had to go wake him up so that we could make it to an appointment on time. I love his squishy little face :)

I'm starting to have a thing for intentionally soft (focus) images. And grain isn't always bad either. I love how much there is to learn about, and experiment with in, photography!

74/365: Gloomy


Ok- now Nor Cal is experiencing the winter gloom. Forecast for the next 10 (!!!) days:


Maybe this is winter's last big hurrah before Spring officially takes over.

Let's hope.

73/365: Macro Monday


This blossom is actually attached to a tree/bush in my own yard. Woohoo!

72/365: Sunday Self-Portrait


We have been needing new phones. So, today at Costco we picked up the HTC Inspire for 20 bucks! I have been lusting over an iPhone, but I think I'm going to love this phone. Anyone want to reassure me that this Android phone will fulfill all my needs and desires and I won't end up with iPhone envy??? :)

71/365: When the Dogs are Away...


... the children will play. Contentedly. For 20 minutes at least. Who knew that a dog crate made such a good toy??

And a bonus image. Thank you so much family who gifted the sand and water table (plus accessories) We are loving it!

70/365: Oh Sweet Baby


I got the chance to spend some time with another sweet little man today. He wasn't quite sure that our plan of getting naked, laying on a blanket and sleeping soundly was a good idea... but he sure was adorable.

I am now giving notice to all my friends... I want a girl baby to play with! Little guy's Mama and I were chatting, and I realized I have never even photographed a baby girl. So hurry up someone... I'll take pictures for you :)

69/365: 1 Year Old

This is the face of a 1 year old. Pretty cute, I'd say.
I've been a little uninspired to blog lately, so maybe I'll get that birth story ready to post up by the time I get around to taking Grayden's 1 year photos.

68/365: Redwoods


We drove through the Redwoods today and took a walk to see the "Big Tree." Those Redwoods sure are huge. Our drive down 101 took us past some gorgeous ocean views as well. The boys loved walking on the beach and Isaac especially enjoyed throwing sand. He remembered when we visited the beach back in the early fall and had consistently chosen "throwing sand" as his favorite activity at the beach. After today's experience he still insists that throwing sand is the best part of going to the beach. Boys... :)

67/365: Unpacking


We took a short trip and Grayden wanted to help unpack at the motel. A lot of the day was spent in the car... perhaps not a 1 year old's favorite way to pass the day. And there were a lot of cords accessible to small hands in the motel room. At least the kiddos went to sleep without a single complaint!

66/365: Macro Monday


This blossom comes from the neighbors tree. I wonder if she was watching me as I moved around from branch to branch, inches away from the tree with my huge lens. So happy to provide entertainment.

It's a very macro-ish day. Check it out!

65/365: In the Vast Toy Wasteland


... there are moments of peace and moments of squabbling. Never fear though, for attention spans are short and toys maintain favor for mere minutes before being passed over for the next coveted item.

64/365: Tickled

Dada came home after his 10 hr Saturday workday right after lunch and Grayden was "this close" to skipping his nap... he just didn't want to let Dada out of his sight. Thankfully, he was convinced to sleep, but after a shorter than normal nap he was back up, ready to play with his favorite guy.

(PS- I think I'll post Grayden's birth story up on his birthday this coming week... it's a good one :))

63/365: If Only He Could Share


I realize I'm a little obsessed with eyelashes. My boys just have such lush, full, dark eyelashes. In fact, one of the first things I noticed about Grayden (as I was processing the fact that I'd just given birth to a baby in my bathroom) was that he had incredible eyelashes. I remember hoping that he would keep them past the newborn stage. So far, he seems to be.

This is actually a 100% crop from an image I took with the new 50. It could be a little more sharp, but I like it anyway :)

62/365: Things I Love Thursday



I love pro level glass. Too bad it is such an expensive obsession. I recently sold off another large bunch of fabric from my used-to-be sewing business and so I was able to purchase the 50 1.4G. I shot both of the pics from today at 1.4 and didn't touch their eyes. Seriously!

I'm going to play around with some more comparison shots. So far, it seems that this lens utilizes light a bit more efficiently than the 1.8 and also handles white balance a little differently.

61/365: Big Boy


In the past week he has begun standing for long periods of time, using a Snack Trap and two seperate times he has taken 2 or 3 steps unsupported. Oh my. And he'll be 1 in a week! How is that even possible???

60/365: In Need of Suspenders


Isaac recently got a new batch of underwear that are thinner than the kind he used to wear. Consequently, his pants are constantly falling down off his bum. It's kinda cute... kinda annoying, too.