63/365: If Only He Could Share


I realize I'm a little obsessed with eyelashes. My boys just have such lush, full, dark eyelashes. In fact, one of the first things I noticed about Grayden (as I was processing the fact that I'd just given birth to a baby in my bathroom) was that he had incredible eyelashes. I remember hoping that he would keep them past the newborn stage. So far, he seems to be.

This is actually a 100% crop from an image I took with the new 50. It could be a little more sharp, but I like it anyway :)


Laurie said...

Hold up! Do tell me about the bathroom birth! Home birth, I hope? And at least your obsession is eyelashes rather than kid feet. I want to upgrade my 50 too, but keep finding other things that I want more...lol Let me know if I should move it up on the list!

Marisa said...

100%?? Wow. Um. I need to work on my focus. A LOT. :)

Misty said...

Excellent capture and hats off to you for having a home birth.

Shannon said...


Carrie said...

WOW... to the 100% crop and having a baby in your bathroom!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

looks really sharp and clear for 100% crop, nothing like a new lenses, I've been enjoying mine too. (28 - 300mm, f/3.5) and (35, f/1.4)

tatyannashope said...

Oh wow! He has some serious eyelashes! Out of all my 4 kids, my son has the best eyelashes. It just doesn't seem fair.

I had to smile at your one comment. I remember having a similar thought process after I had Tatyanna in my bedroom. :) It was very much "oh wow...did I really just have a baby here at home??!....I did! oh cool!" It was pretty awesome.
Lexi was supposed to be a water birth...but at the last minute I couldn't bear the thought of being wet. Transition does not make for entirely rational thought process.

karren said...

Whoa...This eyelash shot is awesome. Was the bathroom delivery accidental, as in couldn't get to the hospital in time?

Mindy said...

That is a pretty fantastic 100% crop and those eyelashes are gorgeous! I think you need a little post to give us all a little more of the bathroom birth story...

Courtney said...

Oh man! I am so LOVING your new lens!! Boys always get the best eyelashes :O)

whippetmom said...

beautiful shot! And ditto everyone else- I want a f/u to birth in a bathroom!

Jaime said...

Beautiful! I have yet to get that perfect eyelash shot.

Kristin said...

LOVE this shot. You've inspired me to give it a try because this shot is awesome. Nice job!

Paulette said...

Beautiful shot!


Janell said...

Very cool! so funny, I just took an almost identical shot a few days ago.