68/365: Redwoods


We drove through the Redwoods today and took a walk to see the "Big Tree." Those Redwoods sure are huge. Our drive down 101 took us past some gorgeous ocean views as well. The boys loved walking on the beach and Isaac especially enjoyed throwing sand. He remembered when we visited the beach back in the early fall and had consistently chosen "throwing sand" as his favorite activity at the beach. After today's experience he still insists that throwing sand is the best part of going to the beach. Boys... :)


Branson said...

You are making me swoon! LOL! I miss hiking so much it kills me when I see perfect photos like this! :)

Kristin said...

What a beautiful photo. The colors and textures are wonderful. I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves so far and am looking forward to seeing more pictures from your trip.

Mindy said...

Great photo and thanks for reminding me we need to take the kids to see the redwoods!

Jaime said...

Love the photo and story! We would love to visit the redwoods one day.

Alice said...

Oh my gosh! He looks SO big in this picture!!

KAREN said...

i love this photo and all the colors!

Cyndi said...

Such a big boy he's getting to be, will be as tall as those Redwoods soon, just like his Mama & Dada. love you all, Did Grayden get his box?

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

seeing the redwoods is on my bucket list, amazing

tatyannashope said...


Driving through the redwoods is on my bucket list too. :)

Carrie said...

Such a beautiful walkway! Reminds me of the pathways we used to trek down in WV.

Tracy said...

Love the greens in this photo! Just love!