77/365: Editing


Why do I procrastinate? Whenever I do a session for a friend I'm super excited to get home and load the images up on my computer. Then I sort through them and do an initial cull and edit one or two to email out that day. After that I tend to wait more days than I had planned to edit the rest of the session. I think perhaps it relates to my perfectionism....

I had a deadline today because little guy's shower was this evening and I needed to have the disk of images ready to present to his Mama. What a sweet-pea he is!


Mindy said...

I completely understand this procrastination...feels all too familiar actually. :) This are wonderful, love that last one of him totally zonked out!

Laurie said...

I'm a procrastinator too. I think I just like yaking the pictures more so than editing them, and then I nit pick....i really should have bought this blanket for Bray's shoot. I love that top left b&w. So sweet!

Kristin said...

Oh my, these are wonderful. I bet his Mama didn't mind the wait when she saw all this cuteness!

Carrie said...

These are so beautiful! I love that last shot!

Courtney said...

These are fabulous! I love the little wrinkles you captured :O)

tatyannashope said...

I have the exact same problem when I edit! I tend to be a perfectionist when I edit session as well and it can be incredibly counterproductive at times.....it also drives my husband batty!

Love all the wrinkles in the top right image. He's so sweet.