89/365: Jump Around

Stuck at home with a feverish, fussy, clingy little guy. We did get out of the house for a walk and I asked Isaac to jump while showing me "star hands." Does anyone else know that term from gymnastics class? Isaac has benefited so much from going to gymnastics... I highly recommend it for any kiddo!


Courtney said...

Star hands?? I don't think that is the term he he :O) I don't know what you would call them. We say "finish" when they do that thing and throw her hands up. Look at the air he got!! :O) Also, thanks for the compliment on the angle...I totally stole if from you! I remember you doing a shot like that of your mom reading to Isaac. I'm pretty sure I even told you I was going to steal it! I need some SERIOUS inspiration or a kick in the pants!

Kristin said...

As the wife of a gymnastics coach, I highly recommend it as well. Our kids have been going to class ever since they could walk and have great core strength and balance because of it. I don't expect my kids to be gymnasts, actually my daughter is not limber at all, but it's really helped them in other sports and things they've been involved in. So good for you for giving him a good start in the right direction. I love your shot too; it's so darn crisp and love that both his feet are off the ground.

Laurie said...

I've heard "jazz hands" lol. I tried to do a jumping shot a while back but none were in focus (before "the repair"). This reminds me to try again! I think Ben has those sunglasses. Do they have peace signs on them?

Hope G gets to feeling better soon. We are a house full of nasty attitudes right now due to sickness. Myself included.

Tamra said...

You seem to get a ton of cool shots on this road! And boy, am I envious of that weather!

Jaime said...

If this were FB, I would definitely be hitting the like button. :)