88/365: Hopeful During Breakfast


Don't need to explain this one, really.

Another one for the grandparents out there. I was recently informed that Macro Monday is my Mom's least favorite day because it doesn't include any pictures of the kiddos...

Poor little guy was being fussy at the park. When we got home I realized that he was feeling a little warm. Temp of 100.3. Boo. Hopefully we'll make it through the illness quickly!


Cyndi said...

such a sweetie, he has ears, eyes & hands just like his Dada but defeninately your mouth and nose..no wonder he's so cute..Love those babies

Andrea said...

I love the first photo of your dog. So cute.
And your boy is just darling. :)

Laurie said...

That b&w is awesome. Hope G gets to felling better soon! We are under the weather here too. :(

Kristin said...

Your first shot is priceless! I love the perspective and you can just feel his hope and anticipation that something is going to come his way soon. I have bigger dogs and am thinking I might like a smaller dog next time. How do you like your JR? I've always thought they were a big dog in a little package. Hope your son is feeling better soon.

Valeria said...

I really like the moment on the first one. We can hear, smell... typical morning. Great

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, that dog shot is wonderful! Love it. :-)

Misty said...

The dog shot is just downright awesome.

Jaime said...

Oh my...that 1st one...perfect!