291/365: Challenging


My sweet, sweet little boy is starting to form opinions of his own. He has thoughts on the way things should go, plans of action for his time and definite preferences/dislikes for food. I listened recently, to a parenting educator who spoke about the importance of maternal expectations vs. the reality of their child's personality. We all come to the parenting game with a certain set of expectations, and most often the chid that we were expecting is not the child that we receive. The speaker noted that children flourish the most when mothers are able to set aside their preconceived ideas and wholly embrace the child in their home, as they are. Of course, we need to help our children learn to temper their impulses and mold any extreme behaviors into more beneficial ones... but I walked away convicted to do a better job of appreciating Isaac for exactly who he is. I'm not sure who is doing more growing up in this relationship, the parent or the child :)


Courtney said...

Mmm...that is an interesting thing to think about. Great...adding more one thing to make me feel guilty about!!

Megan said...

Think of it this way- our kids are only 3 years old or younger... we have more time to get it right :)