Not exactly an inspired self-portrait session and that middle bottom one is admittedly soft.
I now decree that all photos of me are to be taken from above with nice overhead lighting.
Hello cheekbones! Who knew??!
© Vignette - A Photography Blog. Design by Cinnamon Girl Studio
Great idea! I personally love the self portraits with my son's point and shoot. The flash is SO totally washes out all the wrinkles ;)
Fab! I like the middle soft one. I think the softness adds something creamy & dreamy to complete the set!
Awesome shots!
These are great and I love the Sunday Self-Portrait plan! Wish I would have thought of it sooner today, but I think it's too late to take any self portraits of myself tonight. :) I like your new self-titled blog as well.
Megan, I Love your Blog! I am so glad I came across it!!! I am thrilled that you decided to do another year! I just started my first 365 project and I am really excited! I hope you don't mind if I follow along on your new journey!
Very cute. Show's your darling personality. It's been fun following you this year. I'm so glad to be done! I admire you for doing it another year. You go girl! I have loved watching your photography blossom. Best wishes in all that you are pursuing this year.
Megan, I am inspired by your commitment to taking a self-portrait. I promise I'm going to try to do this!
What a cute gal you are! I will be following your blog this year. I have not been so brave as to do self-portraits yet. Maybe this year.....when I learn to edit better! Ha Ha
Well, hello there! I'm not so brave....maybe after the baby is sleeping through the night and the dark circles are *less* dark!
I hate having my photo taken! I'm gonna try your suggestion...maybe I'll get some cheekbones and actually look good...istead of blah!
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